It’s already October. In Japan, the season has begun to change to autumn. Although it is still very hot during the day time, it is getting cooler in the morning and evening. How about the season in your country?
Kannazuki (神無月) is the traditional name in Japanese. October is a month without Gods. It was widely believed that Gods across Japan get together at this time of the year at the Izumo Shrine (出雲大社), one of the most important Shinto shrines in Japan which is situated in Shimane prefecture. For this reason, all the other places without gods!

On 1st October, World Vegetarian Day is observed annually around the planet. It is a day of celebration established by the North American Vegetarian Society in 1977 and endorsed by the International Vegetarian Union in 1978. World Vegetarian Day initiates the month of October as Vegetarian Awareness Month, which ends with November 1, World Vegan Day, as the end of that month of celebration. Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, there are a lot of excellent reasons to participate in Vegetarian Month this October.

Autumn in Japan is the season for sweet potatoes, pumpkins and chestnuts. This time, we used organic matcha powder and organic hojicha powder, almond sponge, vegan meringue, plant-based whipped cream and chestnut cream to make a vegan version of Mont Blanc Cake.

Let’s try making lovely autumn desserts at home! Find out more matcha and Japanese green tea products on our online store of Shopee and Amazon.
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